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Equipments & Technology
EFI Launches Significant, Fully Modernized Upgrade to its PrintSmith Vision MIS Software 18/12/2020
Fuji Xerox (Hong Kong) Boosts Growth of Printing Businesses with Versant 3100i Press / Versant 180i Press Production Printers 27/11/2020
Kroha Druck to Install World’s First Scodix Ultra 1000 and 6000 Digital Enhancement Presses for Folding Carton Production 10/11/2020
The Print Show 2024 17/09/2024 -19/09/2024  
2024The 22nd Vietnam International Printing Industry Exhibition 18/09/2024 -21/09/2024  
DIGITAL SIGNAGE CHINA 2024 19/09/2024 -21/09/2024  
FACHPACK - European trade fair for packaging, technology and processing 24/09/2024 -26/09/2024  
China International Paper Technology Exhibition and Conference 2024 25/09/2024 -27/09/2024  
Business Infomation

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Public Holiday of Printing Industry

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By years' ceaseless efforts of printing practitioners, Hong Kong printing industry has made brilliant achievements; Hong Kong has won the good name of the 4th Biggest Printing Center of the World. Many outstanding firms and persons have won a great number of laurels and prizes and awards issued by Hong Kong and overseas.  Enter


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